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Saturday, June 12, 2021

History of the Martial Art of Muay Thai



Muay Thai is one of Thailand's most well-known sports and has been the official sport of the Thai Royal family for several generations. However, its roots can be traced back over 2021 years to a village in the central province of Thailand called Meqqi. Here, young people would gather to throw needles (round spheres) on the ground. The idea was that whoever came first would be "called out" and forced to walk the next round until they lost. Today, Muay Thai is a popular international sport, but it originated in Meqqi, where it has remained a family sport throughout the meqa888.app.

Muay Thai is a martial art that requires speed and agility. Its striking techniques are unique and largely untested, but much like the striking skills of kickboxing and karate, it makes use of elbows, knees, and feet. As in other martial arts, the more you can do the better you will be at them. Muay Thai strikes can also be used as weapons, and often opponents will block without even breaking their concentration.

Muay Thai rulesets are simple. Points are scored when a fighter lands a hit with a Muay Thai opponent. Points are awarded based on the height of the opponent, the type of strike, distance, and timing of the strike. The longer the distance, and speed of the strike, the more points you will get. You are allowed two points per hit, although many fighters will try to conserve their points and not waste them on the shortest fights.

In addition to scoring strikes, each fighter is allowed to "spar" (block in preparation to a strike) or "spinning wheel" (block while spinning to move around the bout). Each fighter is only allowed to use ten spinning wheels per round. Each round begins with one spinning wheel.

Unlike other striking sports, Muay Thai has no beginning or end; it's a continuous competition. The matches may last up to thirty minutes. When the bout is over, players walk away and collect their winnings. However, fighters are usually given a choice of where they would like to spend their winnings: they may choose to donate them to a favorite charity or send their unused winnings to meaqed.

With Muay Thai, fighters are allowed to wear any type of protective gear that they prefer. They do not need to cover themselves from head to toe. The martial art is also used to help build self-confidence and self-esteem in its students. Because of its popularity, there are a number of professional, amateur, and college fighters who use Muay Thai as an avenue for a career.












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